What we offer
Tens of thousands of healthcare professionals log in to clinicalskills.net every month!
Our fully illustrated guides for practical clinical skills procedures have been supporting nurses and other health care professionals in both training and practice for the past 20 years. Over that time, we have grown and expanded what we offer, which now also includes online assessments, checklists and CPD support. Our new web application reflects years of feedback from our clients about what they want from clinicalskills.net.
Nearly 500 clearly illustrated step-by-step guides:
- Clear guidance, easy to digest, helping you quickly find what you need
- Very up to date: rolling programme of review and updating
- Content you can rely on: evidence based and double-blind peer reviewed
- Quickly jump to academic references and national guidance
- User-friendly web app for computers, tablets and other mobile devices
- Practical checklists to help develop skills or assess competency.
Stream-lined learning management system:
- Use more than 100 standard online assessments on our content–or develop your own
- Allocate assessments to your users and track their training progress
- Highly flexible assessment types to suit your organisation’s needs
- Select questions from our interactive resource bank
- Tailor your assessments, teams and content to reflect your organisation’s structure
- Staff/students can download certificates to record their own progress.
CPD tools to help support professional revalidation:
- Create and download CPD records using the online NMC templates
- Add custom logos to personalised CPD templates for healthcare support staff and care workers
- Easily see how many hours of CPD have been completed
- Create CPD logs, reflective accounts, reflective discussions and practice-related feedback forms
- Find CPD records by date, type or name.
Easy, secure access and prompt customer support:
- Contact us by phone or email for advice and assistance
- OpenAthens access available; compatible with Shibboleth
- Potential for single sign-on to your VLE
- Customer training available to ensure that you get the most out of your subscription
- Help with setting up users and teams for new clients.
We challenge you to find a more up-to-date online educational resource in the UK that supports training and best practice in clinical skills!
We believe that no other resource can offer you the same level of updating that clinicalskills.net offers. When important guidance changes, we’re always ready to update our content so that it reflects the very latest evidence. Our updates, fully peer reviewed, can be available just weeks after new guidance comes out.
To book a free demonstration, click here
Our process
Created, developed and double-blind reviewed by experts, based on NHS best practice
Step One
Step Two
Step Three
accuracy and completeness
Step Four
Step Five
Step Six
Who can benefit
If you’re involved in delivering care at any level, then you need clinicalskills.net!
Students: clinicalskills.net provides students with a huge amount of support for preparing assignments and, particularly, when they first go into practice.
Lecturers: use clinicalskills.net to help maximise precious time in the skills labs, for example they can ask students to study certain guides before starting practical sessions, or use clinicalskills.net as the focus of practical sessions. Lecturers can build customised assessments for groups of students, including converting paper assessments to online versions, saving time spent on marking.
Nurses: clinicalskills.net provides nurses with an instant up-to-date check on the principles of a particular skill, as well as supporting those who want to check their practice or refresh their memory.
Healthcare support workers: clinicalskills.net provides health care support workers with clear guidance on a range of procedures, including invaluable checklists.
Education and training staff: use it for in-house training sessions, and to create hand-outs to reinforce the training message. By using clinicalskills.net guides for pre-course reading, it’s possible to cut the number of hours that staff spend away from the wards on training.
Clinical governance: as our guides are regularly updated, they are an ideal reference when you are updating local policies and procedures, saving you work and time.
Above all, clinicalskills.net can support your culture. Having clinicalskills.net available to people in your organisation puts across a clear message that “it’s OK to ask what best practice is”, and that you expect staff to check out the latest evidence-based practice on a regular basis. Your staff will know where to go to check that their practice is in line with best practice and the latest guidance.